What's happening in Birchwood?
The Birchwood Bobcat Riders ATV/UTV and Snowmobile club is compiling a list of Events in the Birchwood, WI and surrounding area to help you enjoy your time on our trails!
We have scoured the internet, talked to the locals....to help you enjoy your time in Birchwood.
(Honestly it is still a work in progress. More establishments and events will be added.)
Please check the link to the establishment to verify current events details have not changed.
If you would like your event added to our calendar, send a calendar invite to: info@birchwoodbobcatriders.com with the date, time, details and links to the event.
BLR - Birch Lakes Resort
BGil - Mary's Blue Gill Bar
CLG - Cedar Lake Grill
GPR - Gathering Place Resort
MRR - Mamma Roppe's Railside
PPD - Pauls Pizza Den
RRP - Red Rock Campgound & The Pub
SUN - Sunset Resort